Anyone will agree that technology is revolutionizing the way businesses are offering their products and/or services. And this happens on a constant basis regardless of the business’ size. From coffee shops using sophisticated point-of-sale systems to process orders to boutique hotels using guest service management software to manage guest-related tasks, there is an edge to […]
Continue ReadingHere’s How You Can Increase Engagement On Instagram… Organically!
Everybody who wants to know how to increase engagement on Instagram, should first be well-versed with the meaning of engagement on an Instagram account. Engagement on Instagram means any interaction by your users with any of your posts, be it in the form of likes or comments. Engagement can also include views on Instagram Stories, […]
Continue ReadingBuilding and flying the batwing
Sewing the Leading Edge [LE] together… Sew down the seam line [1]. Then sew a second line 3 mm away from the first line [2]. Then fold over the seam and sew again, between the first two lines [3]. This reduces the overall seam size, and gives the thrid sew line 4 layers of cloth […]
Continue ReadingPictures
All of the photos are in the gallery, but the ‘top ten’ pages are very popular, so here are the links: My top ten photos. There is also a tour of the 10 photo’s with the highest votes. The kiting gallery, pictures of us using kites to jump up, over or off things. Nearly all the photo’s on this site […]
Continue Readingdeadsulky clothing website
Just finished a new shopping website for kids and teen clothing, accessories, cool speakers, cool funky headphones, bracelets (chunky candy bangles) It’s also got some amazing hand printed tshirts by a local artist. Clothing with attitude.
Continue ReadingDIY Board Game
I’ve been thinking about making a little board game for me and my 2.5 year old boy to play. My thoughts so far are: A dice would mean that one of us could jump too far ahead to make it interesting. Plus Archie can’t count very well. So maybe writting ‘2’ on one side of […]
Continue ReadingZend Framework Element Form Image Edit Upload
I wanted to show an image uploader (using Zend_Form_Element_File) but when the user was editing the image (replacing it) it showed the current image in the form. For some reason ZF devs won’t let you change the view helper for a Zend_Form_Element_File, so subclassing it and changing the view helper don’t work. There is a […]
Continue ReadingPython memory leak detector
Tags: Python, memory leak, leek, object, garbage collection, garbage collector, __del__, inspect, gc, DEBUG_LEAK I have a nasty memory leak in my Python script which I can’t find. For some random projects my script gobbles up 2gig of memory then quietly dies. Here is my first attempt at cobbling together a leak detector: import gc import inspect def dump_garbage(): […]
Continue ReadingTree
So, I was looking for a picture of a tree and found some nice pictures of fractal trees. That, I thought, would be interesting to code. Here are some of the results. This was coded in C#, each element ( a trunk/branch/twig ) is a fractal, a twig with a length < 3 aborts the […]
Continue ReadingNormalize URL path python
I had a problem with some URLs that we found on someones website. They looked like this: <a href=””>, here is the same link: test. Notice that when you mouse over it, Firefox normalizes the URL so it looks correct. Using urlparse in Python: print urlparse.urljoin( ‘’, ‘/path/../path/.././path/./’ ) ‘’ How, poopy. So, we need to do better than that. The os module […]
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