4 Things to Learn from the Wikipedia DDoS Attack

Year after year, those who pay attention to the cybersecurity industry read a steady stream of headlines about distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. The September 2019 attack on Wikipedia web sites is a good example of that fact. Basically, the exploit used a familiar method, a volumetric attack, which overwhelmed website operations in multiple […]

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4 Ways to be More Secure When Going Online

The internet can be dangerous. Especially to someone who doesn’t know how to protect themselves from these dangers. There is only so much an ordinary internet security programme can do. We continuously face threats such as malware, ransomware, and spyware. Unfortunately, we all need to do some of the protecting ourselves. Computer programmes are not […]

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Mobile applications are quickly taking over and running almost all aspects of people’s lives. Smartphones have helped business owners make drastic advancements in their businesses. From the ability to conduct basic monetary transactions to virtually running the business, mobile applications have transformed the way businesses are being conducted. There are several mobile applications that apply […]

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Is Serverless Really Serverless?

Serverless computing is often touted as being an architecture that scales automatically, is less expensive to run, and offers developers a nice abstraction from the underlying infrastructure. AWS Lambda is an example of a serverless service that provides developers a mechanism to execute code without worrying about servers — or does it? Let’s assume we […]

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How to Streamline Your Contracts with Electronic Signatures

Many businesses secure customer engagements through signed documents (often in combination with a business proposal). A contractor is going to have a client sign a work order before work begins, outlining the services to be performed and the cost for each line item. A marketing company is going to enter into a contract with each client, […]

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