Don’t Get Hooked on Phishing

6 Things You Can Do To Minimize Falling Victim to A Scam

Individuals and companies alike have been using electronic mail to communicate for some time. More recently, retail stores and banking institutions are jumping on the bandwagon in the drive to minimize sending out paper statements of accounts to their cardholders.

Customers usually have the option to choose whether they would prefer to have their statements emailed to them. This decreases the time it takes to receive the information, as well as being more friendly to the environment.

With the rise in digital information exchanges, there is a phenomenon that takes place simultaneously. This phishing phenomenon otherwise referred to as a cyberattack, continues to rear its ugly head time and time again. They are often so realistic that it’s almost impossible to know that the message you are receiving is not an authentic one.

Here are some preventative measures you can put in place, as well as what to look out for to avoid falling victim to a phishing scam.


A high-quality firewall can go a long way in blocking suspicious sites on your computer. Firewalls are available for installation in the form of both software and hardware. For maximum protection, using both options together is recommended.

Updates on Your PC

Phishing scams and breaches in security over the internet are continually being monitored. In parallel, new fixes are being developed to fill the gaps every day. Constant updates will ensure that you have the latest security patches on your computer, guaranteeing any loopholes are covered.

One of the common mistakes individuals make is to delay updates for later. Users who are rushing to finish a task on their PC often neglect to accept upgrades when prompts appear to do so. This leaves the hurried worker exposed to gaps for being exploited.

Be Aware of the Latest Scams

While it may be impossible to know about every single phishing scam that is taking place over the internet, try to keep up to date with the latest trends doing the rounds.

Often, companies share information concerning scans and breaches. IT teams within corporations have a responsibility to keep staff well-informed. Also, these same teams need to educate employee’s what to do in the event of a suspicious email.

Be Cautious

The internet is a powerful tool. Regardless of your level of experience, caution must always be exercised when traversing the world wide web. 

If you are visiting banking sites or trusted pages you have frequented in the past, it is still a good idea to stay focused and ensure that you don’t click on any pop-ups that might redirect you to another page. This is an easy way to catch unsuspecting users.

Financial institutions are targeted across the globe with cyber attacks. Prompts to update your information online and provide sensitive information are often an easy way to gain access to your bank account. Once the criminals can access your account, funds are quickly transferred to an unknown account that is untraceable.

Banks and lenders are, more than ever before, urging customers not to give out sensitive information over the telephone or via the internet. Individuals must remain alert and cautious at all times and remember that security must always be a top priority.

The Importance of Strong Passwords

With so many organizations moving to digital platforms, it’s becoming a tricky task to keep track of all of your online passwords and access codes. While it may be tempting to standardize your passwords for simplicity’s sake, this is an open invitation to potential hackers.

Users must keep passwords and codes safely stored, where no-one can access them. It’s also highly recommended to change your passwords from time to time. This will make it more difficult for criminals.

Check Your Accounts Often

Even with all of the above security measures in place, it’s not impossible for your accounts to be hacked or for you to fall victim to a scam. Take the time to check your online accounts regularly; make a habit of personally checking each entry on your credit statement so that you can be sure no fraud has taken place on your account.


These are just some suggestions to tighten up your online security. Individuals should remember that these digital criminals are highly intelligent and skilled. Professional scammers are innovative, coming up with new and creative ways to steal information and deplete funds from bank accounts in a short time.

Individuals can, by taking the necessary precautions, minimize the chances of falling victim to a phishing scam.