Is Serverless Really Serverless?

Serverless computing is often touted as being an architecture that scales automatically, is less expensive to run, and offers developers a nice abstraction from the underlying infrastructure. AWS Lambda is an example of a serverless service that provides developers a mechanism to execute code without worrying about servers — or does it? Let’s assume we […]

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How to Streamline Your Contracts with Electronic Signatures

Many businesses secure customer engagements through signed documents (often in combination with a business proposal). A contractor is going to have a client sign a work order before work begins, outlining the services to be performed and the cost for each line item. A marketing company is going to enter into a contract with each client, […]

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How CBD Helps With Acne Treatment

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurring compound created by the Cannabis sativa plant. There are more than 100 compounds in cannabis, but CBD, in particular, has many potential health benefits – including treating acne. Acne is annoying for people of almost any age (especially for teenagers), meaning that any new natural way to prevent comes […]

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