5 Tips on Building an Effective Visual Marketing Strategy

In 2019 every worthy marketing strategy is built on visual content, visuals are a preferred mode of communication, all of the newest trends are visual and brands are searching for the tips and tricks on how to further enhance their visual presence. Below are the 5 tips on building an effective visual marketing strategy. So, without further adieu, let’s get into it!

Tip 1: Know your audience!

Your marketing strategy always depends on your audience. This year Millenials have finally taken the step back as tech-native Generation Z has taken the center stage as the most populous generation. To sum up: excluding Gen Z from your visual marketing strategy is no longer an option. From now on there are 7.7. billions of tech-advanced audience that on average watch 68 videos per day. They grew up on their social media accounts and are fluent in YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat, they care more about what brand name stands for than a product itself and they are capable and willing to interact with you and give you feedback. Gen Z is driven by visual content and have the ability to spot poor quality image or video a mile away. Working with a digital marketing agency can help you tailor your content to meet their high standards and preferences. It can provide insights into the latest trends and ensure that your visuals are of the highest quality. Use high-quality visuals, optimize all of the content for each platform, be creative and use the new and advanced.

Tip 2: Personalize your content

Let’s start with a few statistics: 94% of marketers believe that personalization is vital for reaching clients and 68% have stated that personalization shows a high impact on ROI. In 2019 you need to focus your attention on content personalization. Real-time and behavior-based personalization is the future, custom visual content is preferred and nowadays tech advancements allow you to bring personalization to any channel of communication and customize your message for a specific audience: from e-mails to SM platforms and even DOOH. You have a lot of options like AI, intelligent algorithms, quizzes, interactive questioners, geolocation data, etc. to help you keep customers engaged and loyal with content personalization.

Tip 3: Advertise with DOOH

Digital-out-of-home just might be your safest bet for an effective visual marketing strategy. Frankly speaking, if the screen isn’t physically blocked, you are guaranteed a 100% viewability. DOOH advertising is the perfect way to drive offline traffic online. Dynamic DOOH visuals are way more efficient than TV, radio and print for generating online activity. Nielsen study shows that almost half of the adult US population have used online search after seeing the OOH advertisement.  DOOH is the hands down the most effective and visually enticing way to target and retain the on-the-go audience. DOOH visual marketing strategy can enhance the visual experience, deliver relevant messages in precise locations and, ultimately, deliver results. 

Pay extra attention to choosing the digital signage provider. Look for those offering numerous creative possibilities, beautiful designs, and user-friendly intuitive apps. We recommend carefully selecting  DS software that’ll work for you, our choice was the Kit cast because they are the top DS software providers for our choice of the media player – the Apple TV.

Tip 4. Use custom design

Effective visual strategy for 2019 should include custom designs. Stock imagery should be left on the stocks, there isn’t a way that it’ll be given a second look in years to come. As mentioned above, the importance of using visual content is quite high and the attention spend of your customers is incredibly low, 8 seconds, to be precise. Using stock photography and video means negative impact your website’s SEO, whilst custom design will boost brand recognition and highlight it as one of a kind, boost your brand’s credibility and bring seven times more customers than designs that use stock imagery. Low-quality visual content in this day and age doesn’t really equal an unsuccessful ad campaign, but rather brand name deemed irrelevant.

Tip 5: Know your trends!

There are numerous visual trends that you should be focusing on as most of them can affect your marketing strategy. Artificial Intelligence, visual search, creative provocation, nostalgia, interactive maps and interfaces, 3D design, thought-provoking minimalism, environmental awareness, art history, global aesthetic and many more are vital trends for the 2019 visual strategy. Look for trend strategies that’ll get you noticed, the visual movement is all the rage these days for a reason, and knowing all the trends will quickly make you a visual strategy expert. One great way to approach this: search for the expert advice and you’ll soon know to use only custom Pinterest images, branded social calls-to-action, to use the pre-promotion graphics to build a notification circle on Google+  and much more.