B2B Home Automation Outlook report

Most consumer’s next house is going to be a smart house, or a smart apartment. The market for automated homes, also known as domotics, is growing at such a strong pace that automated home installers and app developers like Overkiz can barely keep up with the pace. This is not only true in the United States, but in all of North America — and it is also a growing industry in South America, Europe, and in some parts of Asia. Industry verticals and segmentation are being reported across the globe as becoming more complex while highlighting the basic factors now driving the smart home market.

Because of consumer/homebuyer concerns for personal safety, the environment, and finances, home automation is extremely attractive — especially to Millennials and all other demographics below them in age. Building contractors world-wide can no longer resist installing the latest technology into the homes and apartments they are building, even though initially this may cost them an arm and a leg. New home and apartments are expected to have automated amenities at the touch of a button or even the wave of the hand or sound of a voice. Homes without these latest wonders are going to be slow sellers, and go for much less — no matter where the market might be at the moment.

Those involved in the automatic home industry would be well advised to keep abreast of the latest information, analysis, and trends by reading the Home Automation Market Report on a regular basis. There they will find listings of associations with connections to smart home construction and sales; updated listings of competitors for each specialized industry and business; pricing and profit trends; who the major players are right now; and an accurate schedule of revenue share, country by country.