5 Tips to Run Effective Email Blast Campaigns

Whether you’re the owner of a small or big business, you always need to run effective marketing strategies to retain or increase the growth of your business. Many companies have adopted email blast campaigns as an effective marketing strategy if done right.

Unfortunately, most novice marketers assume email marketing means spamming your subscribers with tons of daily marketing emails. However, this perception is wrong and can do more damage to your brand reputation than good.

Suppose your email campaign fails and most of your emails go unopened or were reported as spam. This means that your emails weren’t interesting enough for the audience or may even have been irritating.

5 Tips to Run Effective Email Blast Campaigns

To ensure an increase in the open rates, you need to adopt certain practices in executing your email campaign effectively. These practices will bring more traffic and engagement to your website, in turn boosting your ROI.

Here are five tips that can help you run effective email blast campaigns.

Segment Your List

Your list of subscribers has a massive number of emails with people of heterogeneous interests and priorities. So, your first most crucial step before starting a campaign is segmenting your list based on similar characteristics – this will divide them into relevant groups.

Your campaign goals will decide how you will divide them, but there are certain common factors that businesses usually rely on, for instance:

  • Purchase history
  • Job function
  • Industry
  • Geographic region
  • Stage in the sales funnel

Asking the interests of your subscribers before they sign up will help you in segmenting. Additionally, this will help you provide relevant content to the subscribers – just what they want to see. Instead of something that is out of their interests that they will most likely ignore.

Do Not Use “Do-Not-Reply” Addresses

SuperOffice’s study reveals that 69% of subscribers feel more inclined to open a mail with an address telling them who has sent it. That’s enough to tell us how many people would want to read an email that comes from “do-not-reply.”

Another reason not to send emails from “do-not-reply@yourcompanyname.org” is that people might have questions to ask. But when they reply to the mail, it bounces, and the customer feels abandoned. They might even think that their opinion doesn’t matter to you, and you’re not interested in hearing back from them.

So while running your email marketing campaign, ensure that you use an email that the subscribers can reply to and their mail doesn’t get bounced.

Write Interesting Subject Line and Intro

To make a lasting first impression on your customers, you need to grab their attention with an enticing subject line and preview text.

If the subject line is dull, boring, and irrelevant to the recipients, they will simply ignore it instead of opening it. So ensure that your subject line and the intro are engaging, concise, and honest. Your goal should be to keep it short but sweet – something that will instantly tell the recipients what the email is about while also catching their attention.

Moreover, avoid using all caps as it may seem like you’re just yelling and might even make your email seem spammy. However, using them in the email sparingly to show emphasis could be decisive.

Maintain Consistency

Consistency always instills a sense of comfort in people – they won’t appreciate it if you’re out of sight for months and then start hitting them with random marketing emails. So, executing an effective email marketing campaign also includes being consistent in sending out emails.

If you’ve planned to send emails to your subscribers, you need to determine the frequency of these emails and the time at which you send them out. Once you’ve planned this, make sure that you stick to your routine. This will build anticipation in your subscribers about when they’ll be receiving the next update from you.

Improve Deliverability

Imagine running a whole campaign just to find out later that most of the emails ended up either in the spam or junk folder or were not delivered at all. So, there are a few things that you can do before sending out emails to improve deliverability.

  • Keep your email list updated, which means you need to remove deleted emails, fake email addresses, etc.
  • Have a clear unsubscribe button in the email
  •  Maintain consistency in sending your emails so that your subscribers don’t confuse your emails for spam and report them
  • Avoid spam trigger words


In conclusion, you must not confuse blast campaigns with spamming – the two are entirely different. The goal of your blast campaign is to use best practices to increase your sales and get more engagement on your website, so there’s no reason to consider it spammy. In fact, you need to ensure that all your practices are ethical.

Basically, your practices should align your mail’s purpose with the readers’ needs and interests. In addition, sending high-quality email blasts will raise the recipients’ anticipation for your emails.